

Una noche se ilumina...la tormenta crece y los recuerdos alimentan el nervio, quién diría hace 100 años, que lo ocurrido minutos antes pudo haber sido vaticinado por mi propia alma, ....sí...hace 100 años tuve la misma visión...la noche iluminada por la tormenta...desde mi ventana...
Entonces mi corazón era vulnerable...,ahora manipulo las olas de la oscuridad a mi antojo y, sin más rodeos, me enfrento a la muerte cara a cara.


...things begin to happen that you never considered before. You realize how fragile a human being is and how something insignificant, like what happened to your finger or your toe or something like that, may be enough to really sit you down for a while...As you go on, you realize life goes by at a very fast pace, so you've got to slow everything down, because it's going by too quick...I think we all realize it's still going down fast, and we're just not quite as agile as we used to be...
_(Bob Dylan)_